Lamborghini STO

Your style. Your car.

Refined in Stuttgart.

Your style. Your car.

Refined in Stuttgart.

From individual design in our own graphics department
to professional foiling.
Everything from a single source from a professional.

Herzlich willkommen bei Car Wrapping Stuttgart


Ihrem vertrauenswürdigen Partner für exklusive Fahrzeugveredelung. Mit stolzen mehr als 10 Jahren Erfahrung in der Branche haben wir uns einen Ruf für herausragende Handwerkskunst und kundenorientierten Service aufgebaut.

Unsere Folierer sind zertifizierte Experten und arbeiten mit höchster Präzision und Leidenschaft. Wir sind offizieller SunTek- und XPEL-Lackschutzpartner und bieten Ihnen kompromisslosen Schutz für Ihr Fahrzeug – für maximale Langlebigkeit und makellose Optik.


We understand that protecting your vehicle is just as important as its appearance. Therefore, we not only have good insurance to protect your investment, but also implement strict acceptance and handover protocols. Your satisfaction and trust in our work are our top priority.


With an impressive 1000 square meters of hall space, we have the most modern facilities to carry out vehicle refinements with the highest precision. Whether it's a subtle color change or a creative design, our experts create results that exceed your expectations.

Our services



Unique design according to personal taste.

Paint protection

Protects the original paint from damage.

Schnell & Originaltreu

Quick application and return to original color possible.


Large selection of colors and finishes.


Easy to clean compared to painted surfaces.


Can increase the resale value & protect the paintwork
Protection from UV rays: High-quality films offer additional
UV protection & no signs of aging on the paintwork

our customers


Customer voice

The customer voice is a very important part of our company,
This is also shown by our reviews after successfully completed work.
